
Reduction in Home Ownership is Now A Key Driver of PropTech in Australia

5 minute read

Across the globe a trend in real estate ownership has developed in which there is a significant reduction in owner occupiers and a growing number of investors.

Australia is a primary showcase of this, with the 2016 Census of Population and Housing revealing that the proportion of private dwellings that were owner occupied was 67.1% – the lowest figure on record since 1954.


There are a number of factors that have combined to create this movement. With roughly 15% of Australian taxpayers owning an investment property and SMSF opening new opportunities for fractional and complete investing, more and more people are looking seriously at purchasing property they have no intention of making their primary dwelling.

In addition, some institutions and REITs have been active in buying up properties and putting them on the rental market.

So why has the ‘Great Australian Dream’ of owning and living in your own home on a quarter acre block seemingly evolved into having a property investment portfolio and renting instead?

Here are some of the contributing influences that have played a role in shaping this trend:


Based on the evidence, we believe that capital growth in real estate will continue to increase, carrying these home ownership trends forward with even more investors owning property and the population of owner occupiers growing ever smaller.

A significant amount of the capital raised by REITs will be circulated into residential investments, and it is expected that the current and future finances in Australian super, along with institutions backed by globally sourced capital, will follow suit.

While there is no crystal ball, it is predicted that the majority of Australian’s won’t own a property outright, instead gaining exposure to the real estate asset class via passive investments in REITs, fractional property investments or an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). This will continue to negatively influence the rate of owner occupiers throughout the country.


PropTech companies are no doubt already working on solutions to transform some key areas of the real estate industry and its ownership, investing and rental cycles. These will most likely include:

  1. How people invest in property
  2. How people sell property
  3. How people finance and transact property
  4. Easily accessed pathways for institutions and REITs to source, acquire, manage and sell off property investments


One of the outcomes of this trend is going to be that institutions, REITs and high net worth individuals will continue to dominate real estate and likely tighten their stranglehold on the market. As a result, everyday Australian’s will further adjust their aspirations from owning their own home to acquiring properties specifically to place on the rental market. Fractional investment will also enjoy a sharp increase in popularity as a low-cost opportunity to enter what will be an increasingly aggressive and competitive real estate market.

These factors combined will see the rate of owner occupiers in Australia dwindle even further and will drive the strength of the rental market and the value it holds as a subcategory in the real estate asset class.