Product Summary
Ghost Voicemails is an innovative voicemail marketing delivering pre-recorded audio file to the voicemail of contacts without their mobile phone ringing. It allows real estate professionals to maximise their time wisely and negotiate in-bound calls.
Agent Services & Marketing
Real Estate Categories
Residential Sales, Residential Lease, Commercial Sales, Commercial Lease, Short Term Rentals, Business Listings
Countries of Operation
Australia, New Zealand, United States, UK
Example Clients
Real estate network groups including McGrath, Ray White, LJ Hooker, Raine & Horne, RE/MAX, Stone Real Estate along with boutique independents like Morton, and smaller independents.
What Clients Say
McGrath Agent – Alex Mintorn talks about the technology that got him seven listings in seven days.
The first time I did Ghostvoicemails, I promoted a successful auction I had in Wahroonga. I prerecorded an audio file around the successful sale of a property and how I had a potential 7 buyers from that campaign, I then sent a Ghostvoicemail to 4,000 contacts automatically placing the recording on their voicemail. Within 18 hours we had 1,100 call-backs and listed 7 properties in 7 days at the cost of $157.
Core Offering
GhostVoicemails is a fully branded and interactive voice message marketing solution which can help increase revenue by reaching new, existing and past audiences.
Real estate professionals will pre-record an audio file and draft a follow-up email template. They then create a campaign by loading a database containing first name, email and mobile. Once the campaign is scheduled GhostVoicemails will deliver the audio files to the contacts mobile and then follow up with an automated email within 5 minutes.
Product Benefits
A. High Delivery – People will always listen to their voicemail, so this is the most effective means of delivering a market or urgent message.
B. Your Voice is Personal – You create the voicemail so it is very personal and carries more value than email or direct mail campaigns. Your clients will be under the impression they missed your call and be appreciative you went to the effort to call them.
C. Highly Scalable – You create the voicemail so it is very personal and carries more value than email or direct mail campaigns. Your clients will be under the impression they missed your call and be appreciative you went to the effort to call them.
D. Know when they’re reading it – You have the optional to have your own number as the caller ID or alternatively you can use a private number or any other business number you own
E. Cost Effective – GhostVoicemails costs less than employing an outbound sales person or contracting a call centre to perform a sales campaign.
F. More Reliable – Email lists are very transient. Telephone numbers are more reliable and don’t change as often, therefore your campaign will be more successful with a phone list, instead of an email list.
G. Not Intrusive – Voice mail marketing isn’t intrusive as the target users mobile phone will not ring.
H. Email Follow Up – The optional automated personalised email follow-up a minute after the call further highlights the commitment you have in relation to the contact.
I. Delivery Stats – There is tracking of voicemails, emails and sms sent along with open rates where applicable
J. Innovative Technology – Your clients will never know you used GhostVoicemails to place the voicemail on their phone, and multiply your phone calling efforts.
K. HIghly Productive – GhostVoicemails can deliver thousands of voicemails in minutes unlike a physical person who can do a few hundred per day.
L. Stand Out – A lot of companies perform marketing via email or sms campaigns. GhostVoicemails are revolutionary and only recently created allowing you to get the upper hand on your competitors.
Key Integrations
GhostVoicemails has a robust API allowing 3rd parties to integrate the software into their systems.
Note: GhostVoicemails is a product owned and operated by NetpointGroup Pty Ltd the publisher of Business2.