Domain has just announced a new search feature on their website allowing property seekers to search for property via catchment areas.

The new search experience displays schools in the suburb predictive search box on the homepage of domain. Once selected it then takes you through to a page for that school with additional information. For public schools it highlights the school catchment area on the map and shows the properties that are available for lease or sale in that catchment. While for non public schools that do not use a catchment the page highlights the properties that are available within a set radius. On these school pages parents can also obtain information such as school types and gender mixes.
Maty Paule, Chief Product Officer at Domain, commented:
“Fifty percent of the parents we spoke to told us that nothing is more important than being able to send their kids to a certain school, or to be confident in the school catchment areas around their new property. Search by school name on Domain makes it as easy as possible for parents to find this information and keep it at the forefront of searches.
“Properties within highly-regarded school zones can boost house prices, and the information parents attain when they search by school names on Domain can add depth to their property decisions in the long term.
“Domain led the pack with adding school zones to property listings a few years ago, and the launch of search by school name only affirms our commitment to providing Australians with a holistic and hassle-free property search experience.”
Search by school name on Domain will enable parents in Australia to:
– Find properties to buy or rent that meet specific criteria and are located within desired school catchments
– Immediately see which school catchment their property falls in, along with a list of nearby government and non-government schools
– Access important information for schools across Australia, including location and catchment maps, school types, gender mixes and year ranges.
– View travel times from a property to a school by car, public transport and walking during the busy morning drop-off