Just a quick notice – if you have some time head over here and join in our first Google+ Live Hangout which will begin at 12pm Sydney time. The first Hangout will just be a bit of fun and a little chat about what to expect in 2013 in relation to real estate and technology. So come on over and join us!
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Google, Social Networking, Technology
August 16, 2012
The New Age Of SEO Is Going Social
Written By
Peter J Ricci
Peter Ricci is the Director of Agentpoint.com.au, Business2.com.au, Ginga.com.au and ZooProperty.com and has been involved in designing and developing real estate systems and websites since 1997. In July 2001 Peter founded Business2.com.au to help real estate agents better understand the power of the Internet and the real estate landscape in Australia and New Zealand. Since then he has penned over 300 articles on a variety of subjects in the real estate technology industry. Business2.com.au is now the leading real estate technology site in Australasia.
Peter Ricci
Thanks for all of those that joined us for our first Google+ Hangout. Next month will will do this again!
Peter Ricci
Hangout Featured
Info-graphics: http://pinterest.com/yakadanda/infographics/
CES: http://www.theverge.com/2013/1/6/3844216/the-best-of-ces-2013