
iPhone App Lets you take a photo and get property information!

2 minute read

An online real estate company in the USA as created an iPhone App that lets you take a photo of any of the 90 million USA properties available and near instantaneously give you an array of information about that same property. This includes a valuation, past sales record and local sales data and much more!

This if it works like the demo suggests is pretty impressive software! It not only uses GPS but also information about the person taking the photo including where they are pointing the camera making use of iPhone’s Gyroscope, the magnetometer and the accelerometer as well as obviously their GPS!

One just wonders what company in Australia could come up with a similar application, as I am sure every single agent and prospective buyer would love this.

This application was not developed by a big portal, or even a sales database organization – it was from a online selling real estate brokerage.

Applications like this give more power to agents, buyers and vendors and the more information they hold – the more agents are going to have to make sure they are on top of all of this technology and being able to provide value added services to justify costs.

So think about what you do and how you can add value to the services you offer your clients. You could invest in an application like this for your area and stay on top of other agents!
