
Yudu – Easy Online Magazines, Brochures for free…

2 minute read

I came across a pretty interesting website  a little while ago and mentally filed it to share it on thise blog when I had a spare moment. Unfortunately my filing system got a little astray and it was not until I got a marketing email from a print company promoting their expensive ebrochure product that I remembered.  With Yudu you can create it yourself and its free.

Yudu is essentially a free digital library allowing you to share eBooks, magazines, and other documents as well as photos, music and podcasts and bookmarks and add them to your own library.

Basic features are available for free with a “Plus” version available for just $270 a year which allows you to do such things as enhance your publications with video clips and MP3 files and edit your published documents; change the background colour, add more web and email links and more.

You can link, or embed individual documents into your website and upload documents in PDF, Word or Excel files.  You can even embed your whole library or just tagged items into any webpage as well.

I have received a few different things utilising Yudu recently so it appears to be getting a good audience pretty quickly.  Click the logo to view a quick and dirty demo library I have created to show you the ability of Yudu.
Yudu Library

The uses for this sort of system in our industry are pretty vast but here is a few that come to mind:-

  1. Interactive Pre-Appraisal Kit.
  2. Online Marketing Plan Presentations
  3. Library of Printed Newsletters
  4. Weekly Property Ebrochures

I have created an online directory of different software solutions for Australian real estate agents at and will be adding this to it over the weekend.