A few months ago I did a short article on Copycat, a nifty little software tool for real estate agents who struggle to write imaginative copy for their real estate listings. A new kid on the block is reallysold.com.au which is a sort of up market copy software tool that costs only $1.95 per week (paid quarterly in advance) and offers over 7000 phrases.
Copycat is FREE of course but reallysold.com.au does look a lot more professional and claims to have a bigger more sophisticated database. There will be more of these kinds of tools in the future, but the winner will be the copy company that creates API’s (application program interfaces) that allows software companies like HubOnline and Portplus and real estate agencies- franchises the ability to integrate the software into their own systems.
API’s allow programmers to build on top and into their own systems and this is how these types of companies grow. Take a tour your self at either of these sites and see what you think!
1 Comment
Glenn Batten
We use copycat ourselves and I don’t think they have the interface working right just yet. We utilise it specifically when we get a creative block on a property or properties… but I reckon if the interface was better and easier to use we would use it every time.
Love to hear from anybody that has tried both. Maybe reallysold.com.au can give you a demo account to write a quick review and comment on the differences between them?