Ouch! Domain.com.au goes offline!

< 1 minute read

No official comment as yet but www.domain.com.au has pretty much fell over this afternoon. This will be an expensive outage both to the reputations of the Domain Digital team and also visitor numbers, advertisers and of course disgruntled agencies.

Makes me also wonder what kind of backup strategy Fairfax has for their digital assets.

This type of thing can happen to the best, however I am sure that Fairfax will try and make sure that they have a better strategy in the future.

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  • Elizabeth
    Posted August 29, 2007 at 7:46 pm 0Likes

    Yes a disgruntled customer here Peter.

    Imagine my horror to have to go to justlisted to try and find my stock, only to not find it there. All other listings on Justlisted appear fine.

    How does domain running justlisted work, if Justlisted is up and domain is down?


  • Sarah
    Posted August 29, 2007 at 7:57 pm 0Likes

    Ouch, maybe they are putting a toolbar like realetate.com.au did…i wonder if they emailed agents that the site would be down tonight for maintance but highly unlike! Wouldnt want to go to work tomorrow!

  • Sabina
    Posted October 19, 2007 at 3:07 pm 0Likes

    This has happened yet again. Very unproductive

    No official comment as yet but http://www.domain.com.au has pretty much fell over this afternoon. This will be an expensive outage both to the reputations of the Domain Digital team and also visitor numbers, advertisers and of course disgruntled agencies.

    Makes me also wonder what kind of backup strategy Fairfax has for their digital assets.

    This type of thing can happen to the best, however I am sure that Fairfax will try and make sure that they have a better strategy in the future.

  • Elizabeth
    Posted October 22, 2007 at 8:46 pm 0Likes

    Good Evening,

    Domain was down again today.

    Sabina, perhaps you are correct in wondering if fairfax have any backup strategies for keeping the site up.

    Didn’t they forget to pay a bill a while ago, which brought down the site?

    Not sure how domain can be the easiest way to find property (reading from the brochure beside me) if you cannot even access the site in the first place!

    Is there a guaranteed ‘up time’ for the portals?


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