
“Talk is Cheap” Google Enters into Chat and VOIP

< 1 minute read

Well I’ll be……..Google has entered into VOIP and Chat with their Beta Google Talk.

For a long time I have been saying it will take a company like Google to get VOIP moving and while it is only the beginning, I can see huge ramifications for Incumbent Phone companies once Google get this thing moving. Not only because of the popularity of Google but just as much for getting this relatively new technology into the homes of many countries psyche.

The problem with VOIP is that all media is refined pretty much to technology magazines and newspaper liftouts and not front page news. Google will change all of that and it will have Telstra worried, maybe they might have to do something about it sooner rather than later by at least talking up VOIP for home users, hoping customers will wait for their service.

To use Google talk you will need an existing Gmail Account and I can tell you there would be millions of users out there within the first month. I will write another article about this in a months time and see how it is progessing.