While we are seeing a surge in national portals, new real estate property guides (newspaper style)and the News Limited realestate.com.au really stepping up with a slew of new products and innovations, the Fairfax owned and operated Domain.com.au just sits by, watching and waiting.
This will see the lead continue to grow (it is pretty much all over now) between them and realestate.com.au
I have kept a close watch on realestate.com.au and whilst I disagree with many things they are doing to agents in the market, I sit back and admire the way they meet every challenge in front of them. If their paper property guides become a success, then Fairfax will have no choice.
My view is that it is already too late and they will see a further slip in revenues, both online and offline over the next few years.
It is a pity, because most consumers actually like the Domain.com.au website over Realestate.com.au, with its clean interface and integrated (not in your face) advertisers.
So Domain.com.au enters the Dumb and Dumber section as a kid who gets punched from every angle and by every rival but just sits back and turns the other cheek.
Admirable in the schoolyard but shows no ticker (heart) in the tough corporate world of classified advertising.