
The Photo Shoot

2 minute read

On your way to your next property photo shoot take the time to think about what you want to achieve for your vendor and for your agency.

Here are some things to consider.

1. What are the features of the property.
You should try to take 4 shots of the features of a house. The photos on your website should be a tour of the property that informs and excites potential buyers.

2. The best go live
Pick only the best quality images. Remember poor quality images reflect badly on your companies professionalism and without knowing it, could cost you vendors.

3. 800 x 600
All your photos should be the standard which is 800 x 600. In the coming years this might increase to 1024 x 768 pixels (the bigger the better) but most portals do not support this because their are still around 30% of the consumer market with only 800 x 600 monitors.

4. Include your website address and logo
No Agent does this, but I believe that any image that goes live on any portal other than your own website should have a small clean logo with your domain name clearly marked. Do not make it overbearing, it should be clean and crisp and located in one of the corners (pick a corner and make it consistent through all of your images). This will promote the listing and your website and costs nothing but a little time.

5. Minimum 5
Each property listing should have a minimum of 5 quality images. This informs site users. Sometimes for listings such as land it is difficult, but in the information age the last thing you want to do is waste time and frustrate potential buyers and your staff by wasting both their time.

Note: Never, ever upload poor quality images.

Example: (Note this was designed by myself and not the client)